Community Involvement

At Monar AC we strive for greatness.

Participating in philanthropic initiatives is something that is near and dear to the owners of Monar AC.  We are always seeking out ways help communities in need by either making monetary donations, providing volunteer labor or donating items on an as needed basis.

Browse the images and videos below to see some of our efforts to give back to our community.

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Hurricane Ian Relief Fund

After Hurricane Ian unexpectedly hit Fort Myers, Florida in 2022, Monar AC along with our staff knew we needed to help our neighbors in any way possible. We immediately started collecting small monetary contributions and in-kind donations from customers, friends and family. Within three weeks of asking our community to donate to our Hurricane Ian Relief Fund, we raised enough money and collected more than we could have imagined in in-kind donations (which included personal hygiene products, non-perishable food items, cleaning supplies and two palettes of water).

On November 5th, our Monar family dedicated their Saturday to packing 4 trucks loaded to the brim and driving 2 hours north to deliver these items to St. Matthew’s House Food Bank in Fort Myers! We had some hurdles along the way, none the less we returned home with a feeling of "mission accomplished" and we'd do this all over again if need be.

Thank you to all our donors!

Humankind, be both.

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Contact the experts at Monar AC.

Call us at 954-650-1930!